BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:BSSH Hand Trauma Symposium 'From Rage to Rehabilitation' UID:192 DESCRIPTION:The BSSH are holding a hand trauma symposium on 7th November “From Rage to Rehabilitation” at the Hilton DoubleTree in Manchester Piccadilly from 11:30 – 16:00. During the symposium\, delegates will examine pathways with a view to improve outcomes in boxer fractures\, scaphoid fractures and nail bed injuriesMore details\, the programme and to book online DTSTAMP:20221010T154000Z DTSTART:20221107T113000Z DTEND:20221107T160000Z LOCATION:Palaces Suite, Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, Manchester Picadilly END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR