BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Leading Change in Healthcare UID:176 DESCRIPTION:Leading Change in Healthcare\n\n30 credit Masters module (SE731)\n\nThis module is starts on 6th October 2022 and students are supported via online tutorials to complete a self-directed project relevant to leading change in their own healthcare work environment. \n\nSee the University of Essex’s website for more details & contact information.\n\nThis module is accredited for Five BAHT Level III Points when completed as a stand-alone module (providing the project completed is relevant to the hand therapy field of practice)\, and it also forms part of the fully BAHT accredited PG Cert in Advanced Musculoskeletal Assessment and Practice (Hand Therapy)\n\n DTSTAMP:20220720T145500Z DTSTART:20221005T230000Z DTEND:20221005T230000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR