BAHT is committed to supporting high-quality hand therapy research. We offer an annual research grant of up to £20,000 for BAHT members and share a variety of resources, information and support.
Our aim is to provide a central resource hub for BAHT members wanting to become more involved in research. This includes: guidance on applying for research funding, preparing a conference abstract, writing for publication, and other useful research links.
If you have any queries please contact the CEC Chair on
More information about current Clinical Evidence committee members can be found on the Committees page
The research section of the BAHT websites contains research resources and tips for getting started in research. Find out more about the work of the BAHT Clinical Evidence Committee here:
For details of previous winners of the annual BAHT Research Grant, please look at our section on BAHT funded research:
This section contains:
-BAHT funded research
-Getting started in research
-Research courses
-Current Research